GB/T 4879-1999 "rustproof packaging", replacing GB/T 4879-1985 at the same time;
The rust grade, requirements, packaging methods, test methods and marks of the package are specified in this specification;
This specification is applicable to the packing of metal surfaces of products in order to prevent corrosion during circulation.
The packaging of rust should be graded according to the corrosion resistance of products, circulation environment, packaging structure, packaging materials and other factors to determine the general performance, rust proof packaging grade is divided into 1 levels: Level 2, 3 packaging, packaging packaging is shown in Table 1,
Anti rust packaging is divided into four steps: cleaning, drying, rust prevention and packaging. Products should be determined according to the following conditions of anti rust packaging methods:
A) the characteristics of the product and the degree of surface processing;
B) the period of transportation and storage;
C) environmental conditions for transportation and storage;
D) the degree of load that the package is subjected to during the circulation;
E) anti rust packing grade